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16 WORLD GASTROENTEROLOGY NEWS JULY 2016 Editorial | Expert Point of View | Gastro 2016: EGHS-WGO | WDHD News | WGO & WGOF News | WGO Global Guidelines | Calendar of Events What event or activity will you think of next? WGO challenges you to develop even more exciting ways to celebrate digestive health all year long by get-ting involved in your community to improve the standards of practice and educate the public on how to manage their diet and gut! WGO is pleased to provide you with a few ways that you can celebrate and take action in your respective communities: Don’t forget to let us know what you are planning for WDHD 2016 by visiting www.worldgastroenterol-ogy. org/forms/submit-event.php to submit your event. Once your event has been approved, you can view it and other upcoming WDHD events on the WGO Meeting and Events Calendar at http://www.worldgastro-enterology. org/meetings-and-events/ meetings-and-events-calendar?event_ type=World%20Digestive%20 Health%20Day%20Event. Hosted an event already this year? As always, we invite you to share sum-maries and photos from your event as well. These will be featured on our website and in future issues of e-WGN as well as promoted via social media! Also, let us know about the success of the event and how WGO can best support your efforts in the future. We greatly appreciate your feedback! With events continuing to take place through the end of 2016, we are pleased to feature summaries from the following WDHD 2016 events that have recently taken place! Please stay tuned for more featured WDHD 2016 success stories in our upcoming issues later this year. WDHD Social Hangout Now you can reach the World Gastro-enterology Organisation (WGO) in a whole new way! Like us and Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news and information related to World Digestive Health Day! Show your support by posting or tweeting about WDHD 2016 throughout the year, using the hashtag #WDHD2016 and/or #Di-etandtheGut! Like and follow us today on Facebook (https://www.facebook. com/WGOFWDHD/) and Twit-ter ( WDHD), to stay ahead of the World Digestive Health Day conversation! Don’t Have Facebook or Twitter? Sign-up today for free! Thank you for continued efforts and participation!

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